
Birna van Riemsdijk wraps up VIDI project with symposium on “Being human in the digital society: on technology, norms and us”

Birna van Riemsdijk (Univ. of Twente) wrapped up her VIDI project with a symposium on "Being human in the digital society: on technology, norms and...

Selene Baez member of winning team for ISWC knowledge graph construction challenge

Selene Baez from the CTLT team at the VU was member of the all-VU team that won the challenge at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)...

Best paper at COLING 2022 workshop

Selene Baez, Piek Vossen and their colleague Thomas Baier won the best paper award at the 1st Workshop on Customized Chat Grounding Persona and...

HI team wins argument mining challenge at COLING 2022

A team consisting of HI members Michiel van der Meer, Urja Khurana, Lea Krause and Selene Baez, together with their VU colleague Myrthe Reuver won...

HHAI 2022 Conference

Watch a video impression of our very successful First International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence...

Henry Prakken gives keynote at LNGAI 2022

Henri Prakken was keynote speaker, at the Second International Workshop on Logics for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence (LNGAI 2022)...

HHAI 2022 proceedings available

The proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2022) are now available under open access...

PhD defense of Mike Ligthart

Mike Lighthart defends his PhD thesis on 30 September...