Amir Homayounirad

Amir Homayounirad profile

Amir is a PhD researcher at the Interactive Intelligence Group and a member of the AiBLE Lab at TUDelft. His research is focused on developing a hybrid intelligence framework to explore how AI and human intelligence collaboratively support individuals and groups in deliberation to have more reflective conversations. To do so, I use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to identify value-arguments and preferences and then build upon this extract a debate graph to provide a reflective conversation between individuals and groups within a deliberation.

Roles in Hybrid Intelligence: PhD Student

Hybrid Intelligence Research Objectives: Adaptive HI, Collaborative HI

Hybrid Intelligence Projects:

  • Hybrid Intelligence-Empowered Deliberation: Cultivating Reflection Among Individuals and Groups.

Research interests: Deliberation, Value, Hybrid intelligence, Natural language processing.


  • Interactive Intelligence group, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).