Andreas Sauter

Andreas Sauter profile

I’m a PhD student at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My current research interest is in the fields of causality, reinforcement learning, and knowledge bases. More specifically, I am interested in how these fields can interact and benefit from each other. I am happy to be part of the hybrid intelligence center where my research can be used to make artificial systems more adaptive to humans. Before starting my PhD I obtained a BSc degree in cognition science at the University of Tübingen and a MSc degree in AI at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Roles in Hybrid Intelligence: PhD student

Hybrid Intelligence Research Objectives: Adaptive HI

Hybrid Intelligence Projects:

  • 23 – Causal Reinforcment Learning and Reasoning

Research interests: Causality, Reinforcement Learning, ML models, Logics, Knowledge Graphs.


  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

More information: website