Dr.ir. Roel Dobbe

Dr.ir. Roel Dobbe profile

I am an assistant professor in the Engineering Systems and Services department – section ICT, in the Technology, Policy and Management department at Delft University of Technology. I have a background in control, intelligent systems and energy. My research addresses the integration of data-driven technologies in societal infrastructure and institutions, with a focus on safety, sustainability and justice. I hence build AI systems and think about their political and organizational embedding. I have expertise in blending data-driven and formal control methods, and in addressing ethical implications and normative dimensions in the practice of developing AI systems.

Roles in Hybrid Intelligence: Participant (Assistant Professor), Supervisor, Co-Coordinator Challenge System Design & User Literacy

Hybrid Intelligence Research Objectives: Responsible HI

Hybrid Intelligence Projects:

  • 22 – Situated AI Systems (with Virginia Dignum)
  • 2.17 Designing for emergence

Research interests: Data-driven methods for design and control of complex systems and services; Integrating design and governance for the responsible integration of data-driven and algorithmic systems; The political economy of advanced learning and control systems and their information technology infrastructures; The environmental implications of “artificial intelligence”; Safety of AI systems in sociotechnical design and policy contexts.


  • Delft University of Technology

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