Dr. Pradeep Murukannaiah

Dr. Pradeep Murukannaiah profile

I am Pradeep K. Murukannaiah, an Assistant Professor in Interactive Intelligence at TU Delft. The overarching theme of my research is engineering sociotechnical systems, involving autonomous principals (humans and organizations) and intelligent agents. I develop (1) computational abstractions (e.g., values, norms, and context), and (2) interaction mechanisms (e.g., negotiation and deliberation) to support hybrid (human-agent) intelligence systems.

Roles in Hybrid Intelligence: Participant (Assistant Professor), Supervisor, former co-coordinator of the Explainable HI research line

Hybrid Intelligence Research Objectives: Collaborative HI, Responsible HI , Explainable HI

Hybrid Intelligence Projects:

  • 03.UL Mining texts for perspectives in human-machine deliberation
  • 2.7 Algorithmic support for online deliberation 
  • 2.16 Responsible autonomy for hybrid intelligence

Research interests: Multiagent systems (normative systems; negotiation), Ethics and AI (privacy; values), and Natural language processing (deliberation; argument mining).


  • Delft University of Technology

More informationhttps://www.tudelft.nl/