Maurus Enbergs

Hi! I am Maurus, an aspiring researcher in AI Safety for social welfare. My research will focus on leveraging systems thinking and safety theory to address the risks and challenges associated emergent nature of hybrid intelligent systems in welfare and e-government. Through my work within the Hybrid Intelligence Consortium and the newly formed Sociotechnical AI Systems Lab at TU Delft, I hope to contribute to pressing issues in GovTech and AI safety.

Roles in Hybrid Intelligence: PhD Student

Challenge: Assistants & Trust / Systems Design & User Literacy 

Hybrid Intelligence Project(s): 

  • 2.17 Designing for emergence

Research interests: AI Safety, Social welfare, Emergence, AI Act, System Safety, Assumption-based Leading Indicators.


  • Sec.: ICT; Dept.: Engineering System and Services; Faculty: TPM,
    TU Delft 
  • Supervisor: Roel Dobbe
  • Promotors: Maarten de Rijke, Martijn Warnier

Other information: LinkedIn profile