Prof.dr. Aske Plaat
Aske Plaat is professor in artificial intelligence at Leiden University, and Scientific Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (LIACS). He has a background in artificial intelligence and distributed systems. His research interests are in reinforcement learning and self-learning systems. He has won the Novag Award for the best computer chess publication. He is co-author of an ERC Advanced grant on combinatorial algorithms for high energy physics. Previously he has worked at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Tilburg University, NHTV Breda, the University of Alberta, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Roles in Hybrid Intelligence: Supervisor, Co-coordinator
Hybrid Intelligence Research Objectives: Adaptive HI, Collaborative HI
Hybrid Intelligence Projects:
- 03.UL Mining texts for perspectives in human-machine deliberation
- 2.5 Affective signals in interactive reinforcement learning
Research interests: Reinforcement Learning
- Leiden University
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