

Workshop Success:
Exploring Large Language Models’ Impact on Media and Democracy

The recent workshop on “Large Language Models for Media and Democracy: Wrecking or Saving Society?” held on April 23-24, organized by the Hybrid Intelligence Centre in collaboration with CWI, and funded by the NoE - TAILOR, was a hit! Participants dived deep into how AI, especially Large Language Models (LLMs), is reshaping media, democracy, and culture. The workshop was a fantastic chance for experts to come together, share ideas, and chart the future of AI in media and democracy. Keep an eye out for more events like this.



Big congratulations to all our HI-members involved in the Diabetes case-study! Their “viewpoint” paper, titled “Hybrid Intelligence Supports Application Development for Diabetes Lifestyle Management,” has been published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), a top-tier AI journal.



Michiel van der Meer
talks LLMs and Hybrid Intelligence at VOGIN-IP 2024

At VOGIN-IP 2024, Michiel van der Meer captivated the audience with a keynote exploring the dynamic world of Large Language Models (LLMs) and the potential of Hybrid Intelligence. Highlighting both the impressive capabilities and current limitations of LLMs, van der Meer emphasized the importance of human oversight in navigating their complexities, particularly in addressing biases and errors.
Looking ahead, he underscored the undeniable shift towards a hybrid future, envisioning a harmonious blend of artificial intelligence and human insights.



HI members present 4 papers at top multi-agent conference

The AAMAS conference is widely recognised as the top conference on multi-agent systems in AI. Increasingly, AAMAS papers concern multi-agent systems where some of the agents are humans. The HI consortium had 4 papers at this top-conference:

  • CORE: Towards Scalable and Efficient Causal Discovery with Reinforcement Learning by Andreas Sauter, Nicolò Botteghi, Erman Acar and Aske Plaat.
  • Emergent Cooperation under Uncertain Incentive Alignment by Nicole Orzan, Erman Acar, Davide Grossi and Roxana Rădulescu.              
  • Uncoupled Learning of Differential Stackelberg Equilibria with Commitments by Robert Loftin, Mustafa Mert Çelikok, Herke van Hoof, Samuel Kaski and Frans Oliehoek.
  • Toward a Quality Model for Hybrid Intelligence Teams by Davide Dell’Anna, Pradeep K. Murukannaiah, Bernd Dudzik, Davide Grossi, Catholijn M. Jonker, Catharine Oertel and Pinar Yolum.



Pinar Yolum’s inaugural lecture

At the occasion of her appointment as full professor at Utrecht University, Pinar Yolum held her inaugural lecture on July 2, attended by many members from the Hybrid Intelligence Center. She spoke about “Daring to trust AI”, and told us her research agenda in  the coming years, moving towards trustworthy AI systems.



Birna van Riemsdijk expert for SZW and BZK on Generative AI policy

Birna van Riemsdijk contributed as expert to a panel and consecutive interview of the ministries of Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW) en Binnenlandse Zaken (BZK) to inform their Generative AI policy (2023). 

Session report panel on work and generative AI: “We need human-driven technology”. Bijeenkomst over werken en generatieve AI: “We moeten naar mens-gedreven techniek”  

Interview “In conversation with machines: dr. Birna van Riemsdijk on machine learning and generative AI”. In gesprek met machines: dr. Birna van Riemsdijk over machine learning en generatieve AI.


HI Meetings & Activities


HI Ethics Forum "Extending Mind with AI"

11th of September at 12-14.00
Location:  at Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus, University of Oulu
& online in Zoom.  Register here for the event:
Keynote speaker Pii Telakivi is a philosopher at the University of Turku and University of Helsinki. Her research focuses on extended, embodied cognition, exploring the intersections between philosophy of mind, technology, artificial intelligence, and psychiatry. Her book “Extending the Extended Mind: From Cognition to Consciousness” was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2023.
Chair: Susanne Uusitalo from Hybrid Intelligence research program (University of Oulu).



HI consortium meetings

17-18 September 2024
26-27 November 2024


Calendar invites

Link to calendar and registration
Link to calendar



09-13 June, HHAI 2025, Pisa

After three successful HHAI conferences, the HHAI community, among them certainly many HIC researchers, will travel to Pisa for HHAI 2025 (9-13 June). Again, several HI researchers will be involved in the conference organisation, most prominently Ilaria Tiddi, as General Chair, and Shenghui Wang, as Program Chair. Join us for what will undoubtedly be another great event in the HHAI series in sunny Italy.   https://hhai-conference.org/2025/



10-14 June, HHAI 2024, Malmö, Sweden 

The third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence, held in Malmö, featured the first-ever HHAI Summer School in its pre-conference program. This year, 25 of us attended, showcasing a strong turnout and high-quality contributions. https://hhai-conference.org/2024/



16-17 April 2024, Enschede

Our 13th consortium meeting took place in the Design Lab of the University of Twente, with close to 80 participants, including our new arrivals from the 2nd cohort. The meeting was devoted to our 4 Case Studies: the robotic surgery assistant, the scientific assistant, the diabetes coach and the interactive virtual museum. (the photo shows 3 of our members in the Wizard of Oz simulation of the robotic surgery assistant). We also started our series of presentations by PhD students who are near the completion of their degree, with talks by Enrico Liscio, Cor Steging, Michiel van der Meer, Siddharth Mehrotra and Ana Kuzina.


Grants, Papers & Prizes


Professor Catholijn Jonker Receives
2024 Autonomous Agents Research Award

Professor Catholijn Jonker (TUD) has been awarded the 2024 ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award. Her groundbreaking work in human-machine interaction, particularly regarding modeling the cognitive processes and concepts involved in negotiation and teamwork, has earned her this prestigious recognition. Her leadership in initiating the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition at AAMAS and IJCAI, along with her contributions to integrating interactive intelligence for hybrid systems, showcases her remarkable impact on the field. Beyond her research, Professor Jonker’s commitment to promoting diversity in academia and advancing responsible AI underscores her dedication to shaping the future of technology.
Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!



HI team wins silver at Humane-AI-net LWM Hackathon

A team consisting of Niklas Höpner, Leon Eshuijs, Giacomo Zamprogno and Dimitris Alivanistos won 2nd place in a Hackathon in Kaiserslautern, organised by the European Network of Excellence HumaneAINet.



Nicole Orzan and team best paper runner up at AAMAS workshop

Nicole Orzan, alongside supervisors Erman Acar, D. Grossi, and Roxana Radulescu, is celebrating a significant achievement as their article, “Learning in Public Goods Games with Non-Linear Utilities: a Multi-Objective Approach,” secured the runner-up spot for best paper at the Adaptive Learning Agents 2024 Workshop during AAMAS! Congratulations!



HI Colleagues Win Best Paper at ECIR 2024

Big congratulations to our own HI colleagues, Suzan Verberne and Maarten de Rijke. Together with their co-authors they won the Best Paper Prize in the IR4good (Information Retrieval for Good) track at the ECIR conference, for their work on “Measuring Gender Bias in a Ranked List Using Term-Based Representations.” 



Maarten de Rijke Awarded Keith van Rijsbergen Award
at ECIR 2024

Today, during ECIR 2024, 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval, IRLab-er Maarten de Rijke received the inaugural Keith van Rijsbergen Award. The award is meant to encourage and recognise researchers who have made significant contributions in using theory to develop new information retrieval models, paradigms, concepts or metrics, thereby addressing foundational aspects in information retrieval and opening up new ways of thinking about information retrieval. The Award Panel was particularly impressed by Maarten’s sustained efforts over the years in ensuring strong theoretical foundations in his diverse and numerous contributions to information retrieval, as well as his sustained efforts in pushing
the boundaries of the field.




Enrico Liscio is awarded his PhD degree

On Monday 22 April, Enrico Liscio was the first PhD student from the Hybrid Intelligence Center to defend his thesis, entitled “Context-specific value inference via Hybrid Intelligence”. The premise of Enrico’s thesis is that in Hybrid Intelligence systems, agents will need to be aware of the norms and values of the humans they collaborate with. The committee awarded Enrico’s PhD with a “cum laude”, a predicate that is reserved for the top 5% of PhD theses in the field.



Siddharth Mehrotra will defend his thesis

"Designing for Appropriate Trust in Human-AI Interaction"
On the 6th of September Aula, Academiegebouw, Delft at 10:00



Cor Steging will defend his thesis

"Designing Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Hybrid Approaches for Aligning Learning and Reasoning"
On the 1st of October Aula, Academiegebouw, Groningen at 11:00


From the management


Update mid-term review

In September 2023, a group of HI representatives met an international multi-disciplinary committee and discussed the progress described in our mid-term self-evaluation. This committee recommended the continuation of the grand, which was finally officially confirmed by the Ministry of OCW, in May 2024. This confirms all your good work and the official go-ahead to continue the line and approach we have taken for another 5 years.

HI partner visits completed
Last fall and this spring part of the HI Management Team visited all the project partners. During those visits, they spoke to each partner's management and took the time for extensive conversations with many participants individually. These visits are now completed and provided the MT with useful insights and plans for the second half of the project. The MT would like to thank you for your contributions, transparency, and warm welcome.

Internationalisation: Oulu and others
In 2023 the University of Oulu in Finland started a large-scale research project on Hybrid Intelligence. Since then, researchers and management of the two projects met regularly to investigate a more structured collaboration. Since the start of this year, Ilaria Tiddi has taken over the portfolio of international collaborations, to look more systematically into opportunities for our researchers and the field of HI. There are very encouraging first ideas, including support for visits of PhDs and PostDocs at other HI-related institutes.

Postdoctoral Researcher or Senior Research Fellow in Data science 
to join us in Hybrid Intelligence (HI) Research Programme at the University of Oulu (Finland), read more and apply:

Engineering Funds
After a successful first phase of research, the need has been identified to work towards a stronger integration of the HI results and to apply developed technology to e.g. the case studies. Researchers from various Matrix Elements can apply for Engineering Funds for collaborative development projects. Under the leadership of Shenghui Wang, who holds the portfolio Engineering Funds, and after several rounds of adjustment based on broad input Matrix Leads, Executive board and developers, all ideas from the first and second rounds were considered suitable for funding. Special attention will be given in the next months to make sure that all of those projects are beneficial for as many HI researchers as possible.

To present our research to a broader external audience, the MT proposed to start an HI PodCast series. In the next months, different types of PostCasts will be developed. For the first, recordings have already taken place. In this series the ambition is to provide short interviews with all the finishing PhDs, to discuss their projects and how their research contributes to the field of Hybrid Intelligence.



Welcome & Goodbye



Eric Nalisnick and visiting students from ADM+S; Peibo Li, Shohreh Deldari and Hao Xue thank you for your contributions to the HI consortium, and best wishes on your new career steps. 

Welcome on board of the HI consortium: Alejandro García Castellanos, Dylan Ju, Maddalena Ghiotto, Avishek Anand, Agnes Axelsson, Juan Duran, Docebal Mocanu, Jan-Willem van der Meent.






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